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The All-Important First Post

I have been obsessing about my first post. It has taken more than a month to decide on a topic. And this is not because I don’t have any content, it is all about that first impression.

First I thought maybe I should share how the development of the Ultimate Rye Bread is going, but this isn’t a baking/bread/cooking site. Then I thought maybe I should write about the great fall from that horse, but I don’t want my first horsey post to be about something that scared the living crap out of me. Then I thought about sharing about my plants – the ones I barely keep alive. But then you may judge my black-thumb…and that is no good first impression (by the way, the bloody plants started an Instagram account to complain about their handler). Or maybe one of the renovation projects standing in my apartment – but it felt rather underwhelming.

Victoria West 2020


Then I thought let me tell you about the bed situation…it is one project that is almost complete. When I moved back into my apartment after eight years “abroad” (like, Johannesburg abroad), I realised I don’t in fact have a bed. I had three… futons, from when I thought a futon was a grand gesture towards my rebellion against anything ‘proper’. And when I took them out of storage….they were a rebellion against a good night’s sleep. I’m sure those futons could be used as day-to-day torture devices.

But once again, it just didn’t felt right to give the impression that I start and finish projects in one go. In fact, it is exactly the opposite of how I approach my personal projects. My parents teased me about all the started projects around the house… So. This post will not be about any project I have finished, but maybe about some that are in progress. And I think that might be the structure of my future posts, it is about the progress of projects and sometimes about the completion of them.

Victoria West 2020Victoria West 2020
Victoria West 2020Victoria West 2020


Oh! Do you want to know about the photos I included in this post? Part of the bed-story was going back to Johannesburg to go and collect the bed and the rest of my stuff. On our way back we slept over in Victoria West. Seeing that we had our backsides glued to the car-seats the whole day, we decided to take a walk to the restaurant instead of walking. Photography is a wonderful art form if you, like me, cannot draw or paint to save your life. I particularly love monochrome photography, there is something about the grain and texture of white-and-black photos that elevates the image. Anyway, it was late afternoon on a Sunday and the town was almost empty… The light was magical, and I was trigger happy.

In my next post lookout for some of my random, ongoing, sort-of-cool projects. And remember to have a look at my plants’ Instagram account…


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